Accessories Manuals/Wiring

Accessories Manuals/Wiring

11 Position Calibration Rotary Switch

Fluid Temp Sensor (Oil/Water/Fuel)

4Bar Map Sensor

5Bar Map Sensor

10Bar Fluid Pressure Sensor (Oil/Fuel/Water) 

Flex Fuel Sensor

CanBus & External

10hz GPS Receiver (OLD)

50hz GPS IMU Receiver  

100hz GPS IMU Receiver 

KT8 K-type to Can V1 (OLD)

KT8 K-type to Can V2

Can Bridge V2

Wifi Module

Bluetooth Module

Water Injection Module (WMI)

TinyDash V1

TinyDash V2 - TouchScreen



4 Channel GDI4 Driver

12 Channel GDI12 Driver

H Bridge DBW Module

Should you have any questions regarding the above manuals, please feel free to contact your dealership direct.