Syvecs CAN to Arduino

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Syvecs CAN to Arduino

Post by shmed »

I am working on a little project to replace all of my interior, including the stock dash and the dials.

I want to replace the dials with an Arduino powered display and need to get the information from the Syvecs to do so.

I'm using the Sparkfun CAN Bus shield and an Arduino Mega board.

I have got the board to initialise at 1Mbps baud rate, but the Bus seems very quiet (no data whatsoever).

I've enabled Custom CAN within sCal and have made sure that output to RS232 is set to NO.

Looking at sCal, I can see that all of my Frames are either loaded with data, or set to SPARE (as I had issues when they were set to UNSET), but I have no idea what frame PIDs map to which value on the sCal table. I'm sure this is something I could overcome if I was receiving any data.

So, can anyone advise what I might be missing?

I haven't added any resistors to the CAN wiring, could that cause the issue?


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Re: Syvecs CAN to Arduino

Post by pat »


using an Arduino on a CAN bus opposite an S6 is perhaps a bit of an ask.... a bit like trying to do Seti@Home on an Abacus ;) That being said....

You will most likely be trying to receive Custom CAN from the ECU - this causes the S6 CAN bus to operate at 1Mbit/sec bus speed. In the Custom CAN section you can see the Identifiers used for each of the 20 different frames that the ECU can send, then for each one you can see what rate it is transmitted at, and also the contents of that frame. The bytes are packed in big endian 16 bit words. The conversion to engineering units can be seen in SCal when you go into the frame contents section.

If you are not seeing any frames at all then it is likely that there is either a config error on the ECU and it is not even trying to send out Custom CAN or there is a problem with the bus or the other end.... termination wise the ECU is terminated and so long as the wires are short you should not have issues if the other end is not, but if it becomes a true bus then you will need terminators at either end!

Hope this helps a little,

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Re: Syvecs CAN to Arduino

Post by Wez »

Which library are you using?

Although the MCP2515 supports 1Mbit most Arduino libraries only support up to 500Kbps.
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Re: Syvecs CAN to Arduino

Post by zentac »

Did you get this working ?
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Re: Syvecs CAN to Arduino

Post by shmed »

Five years on, you'd hope so....

In a fashion, yes, but life got in the way and I never finished it off. Haven't looked at it for a few years now so no idea what state it's in
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Re: Syvecs CAN to Arduino

Post by Wez »

You can communicate with a Syvecs over CAN from an Arduino but depends what you are trying to do.

For some basic CAN input it can work really well, not sure how the Arduino would fair at a full stream decode.

I had one setup for doing CAL UP/DN and a couple other switches.
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Re: Syvecs CAN to Arduino

Post by shmed »

I recall that I was moving away from the Arduino to a ST Micro based board with integrated CAN module.
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Re: Syvecs CAN to Arduino

Post by Wez »

A more powerful MC or board with integrated CAN would be much better.

For testing and learning CAN an Arduino can be a good starting point, I had one hooked up with rotary encoder and RGB LED that worked quite well.
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Re: Syvecs CAN to Arduino

Post by shmed »

I had mixed results with the different CAN boards iirc. I never managed to get the SparkFun board to work, but the Seeed Studios was quite easy(?)!

Then moved to the ST boards and ran out of skill.
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