Syvecs Parameter - abbreviations

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Syvecs Staff - Caretaker
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Syvecs Parameter - abbreviations

Post by Ryan.g »

See attached
Syvecs Parameters.pdf
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Re: Syvecs Parameter - abbreviations

Post by HodgesanDY »


Feel free to shoot me down here but, I see some of the info on the Syvecs forum is stored in files via links or attachments, which makes it hard to find keywords when searching the forum. I get it that these docs may need to be given a link so they can be kept up to date elsewhere but, you find yourself digging around for some time to find what could’ve taken seconds to discover if not posted via a link or an attachment.
To help with this forum’s search function, it would be favourable to copy/paste the contents of the below PDF into a post, that way, it will be searchable and bring users to this thread for updated PDF attachments or links that may be posted in the future.

So, yeah, that’s what I’ve posted below…

Syvecs Parameters – Abbreviations

If the Units are not what you are used to, right click on the Parameter and Select Change Units

ACT – Air Charge Temp
AIT – Air Intake Temp
ALS – AntiLag Calibration selected
Bap – Barometric Pressure
BTMax - Board Temp Max
CalSwitch – Calibration switch position
CCP – Crank Case Pressure
CllEnable – Closed Loop Lambda Enable
CllTarget – Closed Loop Lambda Target Air/Fuel Ratio
Cyl1knock – Raw Knock Value on Cylinder 1
Cyl1knockthresh – Cylinder 1 Knock threshold limit before timing adjustment occurs
Cyl1knockIgnRtd – Cylinder 1 Knock Control retard amount
DrivenSpeed – Driven wheel speed
DIP - Direct Injection Pressure
ECT – Engine Coolant Temp
EGT – Exhaust Gas Temp
ECP - Engine Coolant Pressure
Engine Enable – States if any Trips or Limps are present
EngTrqEstOutputTrans - Torque Output sent to TCM
EngTrqLim - Torque Reduction limit
EOP – Engine Oil Pressure
EOT – Engine Oil Temp
FLV - Fuel Level
FlSpeed - Front Left Speed
FuelComp - Fuel Composition %
FP – Fuel Pressure
FT – Fuel Temp
Fuelbase – Fuel Amount set from Base fuel table in m/s (not final amount)
Fueldutypri – Injector duty %
Fuelfinalpri – Final fuel amount which goes to injectors after corrections in m/s
FuelMltCll – Correction amount applied to FuelFinal based on Closed loop lambda, 1 is no correction... Lower than 1 is removing fuel.... Higher is adding
LongG - Longitudal G
Gear – Gear Position
IgnAddACT – Ignition timing correction applied to final ignition timing value based on Air Charge temp
IgnBase – Ignition timing amount set from Base Ignition timing table in degrees (not final amount)
IgnCharge – Coil Dwell time
IgnfinalPri - Final Ignition timing after corrections in degrees
Lam – Lambda Value
LaunchState – Shows states on launch control strategy
LimpMode – Limp Mode that is present
Map – Manifold Pressure
MapLimitBase – Manifold pressure limit set
N20 Final – Nitrous Final amount applied to solenoid
N20 Switch – Nitrous Switch position
PPS - Pedal Position
PRP - Post Restrictor Pressure
RelFPR - Relative Fuel Pressure
RevCutActive – Shows state on Rev Cut
RevlimitActive – Shows state on Rev limit
RPM – Revs per Minute of engine
RunMode - Engine Run State
SyncFault – States if problem with Crank or Cam sensor on engine
TcSpintarg – Target value of slip allowed on Traction control
TcSwitch – Position of Traction Control Switch
TcTrq – Level of torque reduction being applied to engine from traction control strategy
Tfcsum1 – Amount of Fuel being added from transient fuel strategy
Tps – Throttle Position %
TpsClosed – Throttle State (open/closed)
TRQFuelSev - Torque Reduction Via FuelCuts
Vbat – Battery Voltage
VvtIn – Variable Valve timing on Intake
VvtEx – Variable Valve timing on Exhaust
Vehicle Speed - Vehicle Speed (Traction control system uses this against the Driven Speed to work out wheelspin)
WgBaseDuty – Wastegate duty amount from wastegate duty table
WgFinalDuty – Wastegate duty final amount after all corrections
WgMapLimit – Maximum desired Manifold pressure from wastegate strategy
WgTargetLimit – Desired Manifold Pressure from wastegate strategy
WheelSpin – Amount of WheelSpin detected by Traction control

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Joined: Mon Jan 27, 2020 7:40 am

Re: Syvecs Parameter - abbreviations

Post by nmerdan »

This is a community effort to have the list updated:
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