Latest S6 Firmware

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Latest S6 Firmware

Post by pat »

This thread is for tracking the firmware builds for the Syvecs S6PnP, S6GP and S6Plus ECUs. When a new release is available it will be added to the end of this thread.

Help on Firmware updating is found in the Syvecs Full Manual here -

Any further Questions please E-mail
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S6 Firmware Version 1.13.1

Post by pat »

This link is for version 1.13.1 of the S6 Firmware. This is a maintenance / features release. The following have been added / changed :
  • Launch control input polarity switch
  • Mitsubishi 4G63 crank / cam pattern support
  • N2O second output pin - tracks primary N2O output for current sharing
  • N2O demand multiplier as f(bap) - compensate for loss of atmospheric pressure on long hill climbs
  • N2O demand mult f(sec demand) - can be used to create N2O spool kicker
  • RPM axis on N2O ignition adder - compensate for cylinder loading
  • Front, Centre and Rear differential hydraulic pressure sensors - can be used to select diff strategy
  • Handbrake switch - can be used to select diff strategy
  • Centre differential control strategy
  • ect, eot, ccp, eop, fp trip with enable as f(calSwitch)
  • Fuel pumps disable on loss of absolute fuel pressure (prevent fire in the case of severed fuel line)
  • Fuel pump states loggable
  • Low oil pressure engine start disable - alternate engine enable strategy waits for oil pressure
Unless you require any of the above features there is no need to upgrade. When upgrading, remember there are new inputs and outputs which by default will be UNDEFINED and need to be set to NOT CONNECTED if they aren't needed, or the relevant I/O pin if they are to be activated.
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S6 Firmware Version 1.15.1

Post by pat »

This link is for version 1.15.1 of the S6 Firmware. This is a maintenance / features release. The following have been added / changed :
  • VVT Enable Runtime
  • Idle Stepper Hold Duty
  • Starter Enable Output
  • Ignition adder as function of Gear and RPM
  • Two Calibration Switch controlled outputs
  • Boost control duty adder as function of Calibration Switch and Gear
Unless you require any of the above features there is no need to upgrade. When upgrading, remember there are new inputs and outputs which by default will be UNDEFINED and need to be set to NOT CONNECTED if they aren't needed, or the relevant I/O pin if they are to be activated.
Syvecs Staff - Cleaner
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S6 Firmware Version 1.17.1

Post by pat »

This link is for version 1.17.1 of the S6 firmware. This is a features release and adds the following :
  • Air Con switch input with configurable polarity, pullup, voltage thresholds and validation time
  • Air Con clutch output
  • Idle duty and target adders for Air Con
  • Clutch switch configurable polarity, pullup, voltage thresholds and validation time
  • High RPM lockout for Air Con clutch
  • High TPS lockout for Air Con clutch
  • Optional A/C trigger for fan1/2 with configurable delay
Mainly Air Con related stuff has made it into this release. If you don't have A/C then there is no specific need to upgrade, but if you do have A/C then this will improve the way the A/C is handled.
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S6 Firmware Version 1.20.1

Post by pat »

This link is for version 1.20.1 of the S6 firmware. This is a feature / maintenance release and adds the following :
  • Ability to omit some Cam Validation on Single Gap and Keyed by Cam trigger patterns which reduces cranking time at the expense of possible plenum explosions
  • Knock Integrator Gain visible in Basic Knock
  • Knock Integrator Time Constant visible in Basic Knock
  • ALS Switch can be assigned to any input
  • Launch Control Switch can be assigned to any input
The Cam Validation check skip will be useful on engines that cannot key off the crank directly and therefore must endure extra revolutions for pattern verification before firing (Toyota 2JZ etc). NB: because the additional verification is skipped there is no guarantee that interference could not cause a false lock and cause a spark event with an open inlet valve. Syvecs strongly recommends running the full checks and will accept no liability for any damage caused as a result of disabling them!

The additional knock parameters visible in the basic knock will allow the strategy to adapt better to different engines and is no substitute for the advanced knock.

The ability to assign ALS and Launch Control onto any input is beneficial for applications which run quad vvt with Hall sensors and also Drive By Wire, most other applications should remain unaffected. NB: If selecting an input which does not have an internal pull up resistor (AB or AV), an external pull up must be provided.
Syvecs Staff - Cleaner
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S6 Firmware Version 1.23.1

Post by pat »

This link is for version 1.23.1 of the S6 firmware. This is a feature release and adds the following :
  • Support for phaseless operation (Wankel engines)
  • Secondary Ignition can be absolute or relative
  • Support for Loging Enable by physical switch or Cal switch position
  • Logging enable / disable triggers based on engine speed, throttle etc
NB: A lot of the underlying timing code has been changed to allow phaseless operation. Whilst we have regression tested this release on multiple vehicles it is still strongly recommended that it be deployed carefully. In some instances it may require tweaks to the crank and cam trigger voltage thresholds and/or engine mode thresholds to allow the engine to run at all [at least one car would not run after upgrade]. It is NOT recommended that end users apply this update, we recommend that only mappers / traders apply it.
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S6 Firmware Version 1.24.1

Post by pat »

This link is for version 1.24.1 of the S6 firmware. This is a features / tweaks release and adds the following :
  • relFpMin monitoring item
  • fuel pressure trip can be set to relFpMin or fpMin
  • Nitrous bottle pressure sensor
  • Nitrous bottle heater strategy
  • Nitrous bottle pressure compensation to N2O fuel adder
If a vehicle is equipped with either a nitrous system or a fuel pressure sensor then this release will prove useful; otherwise there is no major benefit in upgrading.
Syvecs Staff - Caretaker
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Re: Latest S6 Firmware

Post by Ryan.g »

The Below Link is for version 1.25.1 of the S6 firmware. This is a features / tweaks release and adds the following :

// Cll service time calibration

Allows users now to adjust Service time of Closed loop Lambda based on Rpm vs Primary Load, very useful for increasing service time on engines which have long exhaust manifolds and UEGO sensors post-turbo as before the limit of 125 on earlier firmwares made some engines struggle with closed loop lambda control at low mass flow rates due to the transport time between the cylinder and the sensor.

With additional option to disable integral gain scaling by service time so that the integral gain becomes percent per service rather than percent per second. Note that this will require integral gain values typically 10 times smaller than currently used. The option default to enabled to retain existing behaviour.

// Nitrous duty multiplier against Vehicle speed

// Error Warning System

You can assemble errors from up to 32 sensors into a single 32-bit word for datalogging. The high and low 16-bit halves are available for custom can or rs232 datastreaming. You can divide the list up into four groups: severe, moderate, minor and ignore. A sensorWarningLevel is then maintained according to the highest group with an error.

The optional sensor error light (SensorWarningLight) output changes between flashing levels and solid based on the level of group the failing sensor is assigned too.

// MAP Fuel multiplier

Ideal for Forced Induction engines with individual cylinder Throttle bodies which require 4D Mapping.

// Fuel level sensor (plus roc limited instrument fuel level)

Basically flvl is instant, instFlvl follows flvl with no extra filtering if the engine is stopped and is heavily rate-of-change limited once the engine is running.

// Custom can over Serial RS232 OPTION

Useful for JTInnovation Displays or other external displays where you would like the CANBUS to be kept clean for Vehicle Body Control Can bus or Future Syvecs I/O Expander.

// Lotus can dash stream

If configured, this forces the change light output strategy to run even if no pin has been assigned for it. The MIL light is on if sensorWarningLevel is non-zero.

// Active nitrous calibration monitoring item (n2oCal)

// Drive-by-wire power control outputs

Useful for Engines which have relay outputs for DBW or a Clutch System on DBW


Syvecs Staff - Caretaker
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S6 Firmware version 1.28.1

Post by Ryan.g »


Changes in this release are as follows :

1) Launch control augmentation (as in S8):
* launch limiter ignition cuts and new safety fuel cut map
* launch control re-activation without switch clear if vehicleSpeed<X
* launch control activation deferred until pps>X
* launch control exit if pps<X
* launch control engine speed mappable egainst vehicle speed
* launchRpm and launchRpmErr monitoring items
* launch control manifold pressure target f(calSw)
* launchMapCalSw and launchMapErr monitoring items
* launch torque reductions changed from f(rpmErr) to f(rpmErr,mapErr)
* launch limiter secondary injection disable option
* ability to run launch limiter with no switch inputs (launch, pit or cal)

2) Drive-by-wire augmentation to match the launch control (also as in S8)
* DBW base duty breakpoints mappable
* multiplier of pps/tps demand f(vehSpd)

3) Bosch M4 CAN receive as in S8
* includes S8 receive extension
* includes individual item override by pin assignments
* fan1, fan2 and air con control run without pins assigned if Bosch M4 CAN enabled

4) Nissan VQ3X crank/cam pattern for use on 350z, 370z and R35GTR


SCal does not currently know how to deal with breakpoint changes of the type effected in the drive-by-wire base duty so the base duty from an existing calibration will *not* be incorporated automatically in any upgrade. I would suggest always selecting 'Tag' for problem items in a calibration upgrade and you will see that you have to upgrade this table manually. Sorry about that.


Syvecs Staff - Caretaker
Posts: 557
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1.31 Firmware

Post by Ryan.g »

This Link is for version 1.31.1 of the S6 firmware.

This is a features / tweaks release and adds the following :

Full Flex Fuel support using GM Flex Fuel sensors

* fuel composition (flex fuel) sensor input (frequency input)
* f(fuelComp) transition curve for base fuel
* in flex mode blend run-mode base fuel maps
* f(fuelComp) transition curve for base ignition; monitoring item flxTrIgnBase
* in flex mode blend run-mode base ignition maps
* in flex mode blend run-mode base secondary ignition maps
* f(fuelComp) transition curve for preliminary injection; monitoring item flxTrFuelPrelim
* in flex mode blend crank-mode preliminary fuel maps
* f(fuelComp) transition curve for start fuelling; monitoring item flxTrFuelCrank
* in flex mode blend crank-mode base fuel maps
* f(fuelComp) transition curve for start ignition; monitoring item flxTrIgnCrank
* in flex mode blend crank-mode base ignition maps
* in flex mode blend crank-mode base secondary ignition maps
* four wastegate map target limit f(rpm) curves, selectable on cal switch
* f(fuelComp) transition curve for map target max curve; monitoring item flxTrWgMapTarg
* in flex mode blend wastegate map target limit maps

Adjustable Map Limits based on Cal position - Ideal for adding extra safety when a mixture of different fuels are used on one calibration.

* two map limiter base f(rpm) curves, selectable on cal switch

Rover K Series Trigger Support

Update to Launch Strategy to add the following

* launch limiter : ability to disable knock control during launch limiter
* launch limiter : launchAddCalSw becomes launchRpmAddCalSw
* launch limiter : launchMapCalSw becomes launchMapAddCalSw
* launch limiter : auto start clutch state (armed minus clutch)
* launch limiter : auto start option to crank in armed state with timeout
* launch limiter : auto start armed indication output
* launch limiter : auto start armed indication output also on in clutch state if cranking enabled in armed state
* launch limiter : engineEnable=EE_AUTOSTART in auto start armed and cranking; prevents engine start
* launch limiter : if ignition retard timeout is zero, never time out to fuel cut safeties (only use on high egt)
* launch limiter : ignition retard disable by egt is only while egt high (can recover if egt falls)
* launch limiter : stays active for a hold time after switch release or exit speed threshold
* launch limiter : launchHoldTimer monitoring item - time since switch release or exit speed
* launch limiter : add manifold pressure target ramp similar to engine speed target ramp
* launch limiter : change calsw map target to calsw map target adder (as for engine speed)
* launch limiter : rpm and map ramps switchable f(vehspd) or f(launchHoldTimer)
* launch limiter : exit mode after engine control disengaged (launchExitState/launchExitTimer)
* launch limiter / wgc : wgcMapLimitAddLaunch f(launchExitTimer)
* launch limiter / n2o : n2oMltLaunch f(launchExitTimer)
