Any issues with this SyncLog?

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Re: Any issues with this SyncLog?

Post by stevieturbo »

When ecu is on, either before or during cranking...what is "limpmode" and "ECU enable saying" ?
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Re: Any issues with this SyncLog?

Post by davecarroll »

Sorry for delay, I am moving house soon so things are hectic..

I spent a bit of time on the car yesterday, and found the oil and fuel pressure pin assignments were the wrong way around.
I flipped them and now FP1 states the same pressure as my analogue gauge, while EOP shows 0.2bar when engine is off, building to around 2.5bar during cranking as expected. I verified by unplugging the fuel pressure sensor and this time noticed a new error showing EOP sensor error.

Therefore I am now confident all sensors work as all have readings matching the expected values.
I also checked the sensors themselves for the main sensors and they appear in spec.

I crank, and get a cough every now and then but no more. Thats the current status.

Engine Enable says 'OK'
Limp Mode says 'ECT'

I checked injector duty, and during cranking it says 20% - I would expect this, but does this mean the injectors are firing?
If so I will double check the injector pulses.

How would I find out in the ECU thinks the coils should be firing? Is this a specific gauge I should pull up?

I re uploaded the attached Cal, and so I want to attach it again, as a confirmed latest status.
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Re: Any issues with this SyncLog?

Post by stevieturbo »

Engine enable is OK...that's good.

ECT is just a warmup limp, again ok.

If the status window top right is going into 720sync during cranking, and the little light top right is green which it should be...then upon cranking it should be making an attempt to start.

Although as said I would lower the min engine speed for 720 sync to below cranking speed.
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Re: Any issues with this SyncLog?

Post by davecarroll »

The light is a solid green,no connection issues.
However the bottom window states the engine gets through pre inject but then never gets begond 360>720. So i dont believe it is getting into 720 sync.

However I dont know if it should be starting initially in 320 anyway.
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Re: Any issues with this SyncLog?

Post by stevieturbo »

The crank scope is fine, it isnt going into 720 sync because of the settings that prevent needs to be above 700rpm which seems pointless.

But it should be making an attempt to start in 360.

Basics...fuel, air, spark ( and compression )
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Re: Any issues with this SyncLog?

Post by davecarroll »

thanks for the help so far stevie

I am going to go back to basics for a few days..... check the timing belt hasn't slipped (surely this inst the case when the sync log is all good?!?!?!), then check to see if the plugs are flooded or fouled in some other way, if so, clean off, try to clear up the flooding and try again.

Then I will be dropping the fuel multiplier to 0 and adding fuel bit by bit the try and find a change.

One question, to make sure I am not being totally stupid here... what is the correct way to change between cals on the toucan display? It currently is sitting on cal 1, if I want to change to 7, do I simply touch the arrows to cal 7 in the cal menu then press back or do I have to press and hold somewhere?

Just to make sure I am not being stupid!
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Re: Any issues with this SyncLog?

Post by stevieturbo »

You are having view all information directly on the laptop in SCal to remove any doubt.

I do not use the Toucan for changing cal...I use a switch. That way you always know exactly where it is. But if in doubt verify on SCal etc.

And you said there was no fuel/spark...but then you now mention clearing flooding ? That implies it was getting fuel, and lots ?

Have you not pulled the plugs at any point to verify spark or not ? And what condition they were in at that time ?

Whether the belt slipping a tooth or not affecting the crank/cam triggers would depend on what sort of window thresholds were set for trigger positions. So it's very possible it could jump a tooth and ecu not care.

So even off a bit...there would still be some spark and fuel attempts.

So comes back to how are you verifying no fuel or spark ?
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Re: Any issues with this SyncLog?

Post by davecarroll »

Just to clarify, I do not expect the plugs to be flooded - there was no pulse at the injector wiring, only constant 12v.
As for the spark, I did pull a couple of plugs and earthed and cranked with no spark - but I want to re-trace steps to double check.

Its all in the name of being safe not sorry and checking again.

I would be surprised if slipping a tooth would cause this issue, but its a basic thing I want to make sure of.

As I worry about going mad - I will be checking for spark by pulling plugs earthing and cranking, and checking the pulse at the injector connector for fuel again, just to be sure.
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Re: Any issues with this SyncLog?

Post by davecarroll »


No spark confirmed - spark plugs (brand new) were black from over fueling, cleaned and dried and refit for a few seconds cranking and they were wet again with fuel - so fuel injection confirmed
Fuel Injection confirmed - OK as above

good spark plug checked for spark and nothing.

I believe it may be the igniter and will be trying one as a test.
If so, the plan is to convert the car to on coil igniter versions (perhaps Audi coils).

I have an understanding of how to do the conversion - until I read the Syvecs pinout manual.
My assumption was I could wire the feed to each coil to the individual ignition outputs on the Syvecs, but the manual states not to do this - would I need to wire something between to prevent damage to the ECU?
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Re: Any issues with this SyncLog?

Post by TimH »

What you can't do is wire the "TTL" 5V ignition outputs of the S6 to anything that would normally use an ignitor/amplifier. Connecting them to a "proper" COP is fine, as they expect a 5V trigger signal, which is what the S6 provides.

The last 2JZ wiring job I did used Audi R8 coils, and these were triggered directly off the S6plus. I've also see Toyota Yaris coils used in the same way.
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