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Pin Names - AB, AU, AV, AR and AN

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:26 pm
by pat
There exists some confusion in the naming convention of the input pins on the S6 ECUs. Listed below is a cross reference :

AB pins are Analogue Bipolar which means they can be used to measure voltages in the range 0-5V and -5V to +5V. Additionally they can detect speed signals with programmable trigger thresholds. There are four such pins :

AB1 is also known as AN01
AB2 is also known as AN02
AB3 is also known as AN03
AB4 is also known as AN04

AU pins are Analogue Unipolar which means they can be used to measure voltages in the range 0-5V and have an optional pull up resistor of 3k for temperature measurements. Additionally they can detect speed signals with fixed trigger thresholds of 1.25V and 3.75V. There are four such pins :

AU1 is also known as AN05
AU2 is also known as AN06
AU3 is also known as AN07
AU4 is also known as AN08

AV pins are Analogue Voltage which means they can be used to measure voltages in the range 0-5V but they cannot be used for speed measurements and they have no pull up resistors. There are four such pins :

AV1 is also known as AN09
AV2 is also known as AN10
AV3 is also known as AN11
AV4 is also known as AN12

AR pins are Analogue Resistance which means they can be used to measure temperatures and so feature a permanently enabled 3k pull up resistor but they cannot be used for speed measurements. There are four such pins :

AR1 is also known as AN13
AR2 is also known as AN14
AR3 is also known as AN15
AR4 is also known as AN16

NB: If the source impedance of a sensor is significantly lower than 3k then it can overpower the 3k pull up and AR inputs can be used as a 0-5V input.